Saturday, 23 August 2008

Just what are Bungie up to?

As anybody who frequents will know, there's been alot (read: A HELL OF A LOT) of speculation over Bungie's new project...

"It's a Halo game..."
"It's Marathon..."
"It's Myth..."
"The superintendent is gonna have his own game..."

It's been the same thing for the last month or so...but what are they really up to?

I want it to be a new Halo game, I really do...but maybe a new IP would be better for Bungie, a way of sealing the split from Microsoft? I'm personally not sure, but I'll bet the index finger on my left hand that Bungie will release some info extremely soon...but not before they've played with the fans...

Also, something to consider...this may be something to consider...I, personally, think it's a load of rubbish, as if you ping the domain, you realise it's a yahoo thing...and not actually registered to Bungie...but Bungie know that fans will go to these lengths to find out things, so maybe it's a double bluff? Who knows?

I'll keep you posted check back for an update tomorrow...

Until then, KEEP IT CLEAN...

Hello snake, it's been a while...

Wow, it's really been ages since I last 'blogged'! I guess I was just so annoyed with Microsoft that I actually refused to write about them and their console...but guess what...I'M BACK!

Yes, yes, stop the cheering, I know all my readers missed me (yes, all two of you!) and I'm back to doing my woooo...keep checking back for regular updates!

It's good to be back...