Having played through the entire Resi series, as well as Condemned and Silent Hill, I like to think of myself as a bit of a horror buff, someone who, by now, is able to anticipate what is about to happen during tense moments...and certainly not somebody who scares easily! However, whilst playing through the Campaign of Left 4 Dead online, with friends, I realised that actually there are some genuinely scary creations out there...one of them in particular made me jump approximately 7 feet out of my chair...the culprit? The Witch...

And granted, she not terrifying to just look at...but she likes to hide in the darkest corner, of the darkest room...and she likes to cry. It's this cry that scares most people, because they know what's coming...shine a torch near her, or make any noise, and BAAM!!! She's running at you, clawing at you, with no warning whatsoever! And she's not easy to kill either! And, just to make matters worse, the way the game places enemies means that you never know where she is until you hear that telltale whimper, that pitiful cry that sends shivers up your spine, as your mind takes you back to the last time you encountered her.
Trust me, scary scary stuff...if you haven't played Left 4 Dead, you owe it to yourself...definitely one of the best games out at the moment, and due to the nature of how everything spawns, you won't get bored of it anytime soon.
The only thing more terrifying than a witch is a witch in a subway car. Or a pit with 50 witches in it... long story....
Omg yeah, when they appear in the subway car...so horrible!
And I wanna hear about these 50 witches in a pit...please explain, sounds utterly horrifying!
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