Saturday, 16 May 2009

Lord of the Red Rings

Wow...I thought my run of bad luck was at an end...having already contracted Glandular Fever this recently, and also having some pssibly severe liver problems, I thought "Well, it can't get worse I guess..."


My 360 Red-Ringed yet again! This is the 7th one that has broken...SEVENTH!!! I am officially Frodo in this fight against Microsoft...I am the Lord of the Red Rings...and I don't want to be!

This one lasted a good 9 months however, unlike previous ones (a year ago I got one back from Microsoft, switched it on, played for 2 hours then BAAM, red rings) but it's still unacceptable!

Not a happy bunny...

I will, however, continue this blog for those who love it!

I'm off to cry now.


Jern said...

That sucks. Was it actually the 3 light "Ring of Death", or just the 2 light overheat warning?

Alex Hann said...

It was the 3 light RROD...the bad one, but also the one which means I can have it repaired for free!

Ah well...couple of weeks of boredom to come methinks...