Monday, 4 May 2009

Possible Assassin Skull in Halo 3

Word on the street is that there is a new skull called the Assassin Skull...

This was found by somebody who opened the hex code of the game, and then looked at all the skull...and found that this one exists in the code!

There is a big hunt for this on Bnet right now, and I think it's only a matter of time before somebody strikes lucky...

To join the hunt, just go here

Happy hunting!


Jern said...

Sounds intriguing... hmm....

Alex Hann said...

That's what I thought, which is why I got involved...I've never come accross the skull, and nor has anybody else...just a clue in the hex code!

Apparently there's an invisible trigger, much like the 'IWHBYD' skull...