Friday, 4 April 2008

New Call of Duty 4 Maps

So the new maps were released today, with Infinity Ward hoping this will take the attention off Halo 3 and their new maps for a second or two...did it work? Not really...

Why? Well, most of CoD 4 online is camping, camping and...guess what? Camping...with a side helping of camping...Seriously, this game isn't THAT fun online, and on that rare occasion it is, it's because of something random happening that you didn't expect! Okay, I'm not totally biased toward Halo 3 or anything (ahem) but I really don't think a map pack is going to save this game online! The only type of map that could do that would be one that changed the type of play from camping to actually playing tactically...and these maps don't!

In my mind, it's a pathetic attempt to keep a game going that actually, if we're honest, is on its way out...just look at the number of people playing the game...the number's dwindling faster than the number of pies at a weight watchers meeting!

SO my advice? Don't waste £6.80 on this map's not worth a quid!


dandark said...

hey mighty racoon i found got an account online and well i think you are very wrong about call of duty 4 even though it has the worse spawns than halo 3 noob custom maps and its lagging is horrible.
you are kind of right but the thing is the huge evil army of camping noobs is easily killed if u use flashbangs or a UAV but in search and destroy the defenders are supposed to camp and attackers cant so if u hate being sniped as u plant the bomb think for a minite u are defending where would u go if u needed to camp and secretly check it out but as for noobs who camp in every game mode its the diesease on video games noone can cleanse[exept for halo 3 overpowered hornet which destroys everything].

and the new maps are pretty fun one is a huge sniper map so camping is pretty uselesss as everyone is out trying to get marksmen challenge on sniper before being sniped by the rock u were staring at or hit by random grenades.
the others are pretty much normal maps where camping is possible but get the feel for them so u know where all the noobs camp and stay away from there or toss endless grenades in hoping to enrage them into using their sqeaky voices to insult your family call u a noob modder and quit the match crying that they couldent camp. wow what a big comment i made well im off to get owned by campers in COD4 see ya

Snack said...

What the lunge?

For a start - only n00bs camp on COD 4. If you have a really good 6 side with good players on your team - camping isnt' an option.

Also, the saving COD thing? According to this quote: “between 1.2 and 1.3 million users every day consistently for the past two-to-three months, Monday through Sunday" it needs no saving. Granted, that quote isnt recent, the more hardcore lovers alike have plenty of fun outwitting the opponent rather than CAMPING in the corner with the Sword.

Now lets compare COD tactics to FOUR SHOT BR - OH WOW. What skill that takes.

