Sunday, 6 April 2008

Taking a hit where it hurts!

My 360 broke...AGAIN!

Yes, again...this was my 6th 360 and it left me for a better place...I guess it wanted to go back to daddy (think his names Bill...)

So I now have nothing to do...I'm crying, I'm bored and I'm awaiting its return!

What isn't helping is this sort of thing: "Now Alex, want to bake a cake?"

Do I want to bake a cake?! No I bloody well don't! I'm depressed here!!!

Anyway, check back tomorrow to see how I'm coping (note: Probably not very well!)

I'm just hoping I get it back before the 15th (Halo 3 map pack's released!)


1 comment:

dandark said...

yeah thats unlucky it happened to me once before i got live and my whole account was deleted all my achevments that i havent bothered to get again.
But fear not if u sent it into the shop it should be fixed soon and u should be playing again before the new maps come out which look awesome and have u seen what they are doing to theater mode with all the filters its great.

also i found this awesome glitch i want to show u its how to cut veicles in half and still drive them.